Parents Forum

The parents forum comprises of parent representatives who are elected to represent the views and interests of parents across Stepping Stones. The forum meets four times a year with Stepping Stones Management to discuss what is working well within the project and where they would like to see changes, alongside wider issues that are impacting the project and the wider community.

The parents forum representatives are essential to ensuring the voices of service users are heard and influence all aspects of planning and decision making across the project.

Roles and responsibilities of the Parents Forum Representative

  • To attend scheduled Parent Forum meetings.
  • To gather information and views from parents within the wider project to be feedback within the Forum.
  • To complete the relevant paper work involved in gathering information for the forum.
  • Actively participate in forum discussions and fulfil additional responsibilities such as the chairing and minute taking of forums.
  • To adhere to confidentiality policies.
  • To share outcomes and information with the relevant parents following forum meetings.
  • To take the lead, where required, in wider issues that impact the project
  • To support parents to move into Stepping Stones groupwork and to act as a ‘buddy’ to new parents.
  • To seek out staff support to help resolve issues at the earliest possible stage.
  • To meet with the Board of Trustees when required and contribute to the annual general meeting (AGM)